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The Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Podcast

Your BFF to help GROW your Insurance Agency. 

Jun 26, 2023

Have you ever thought about when to fire an insurance client? I bet you have! In insurance agencies sometimes we acquire books with undesired clients or over time we find that clients just may not be a good fit for the agency. In either scenario the challenge is the client isn't happy, generally they are unprofitable for your agency and your team gets burned out. However, it's a really difficult conversation to let a client go. So all too often agencies hold on to the wrong clients out of fear of repercussions.

When we work with agencies it becomes clear that these clients are more like client terrorists. We break down in this podcast the true math behind holding on to these clients. As a business owner it's important that you clearly identify the true cost of holding on to these types of clients.

In this podcast we break down the real math on holding on to these types of clients. Here are some considerations:

  • Payment Issues: If you spend 3+ hours on a clients payment issues every year how much does that cost?
  • High Claims: Are you jeopardizing contingency bonuses and carrier relations?
  • Remarketing demands: the time it takes to remarket is high. When clients demand it you run into time crunches.
  • Nasty attitude: if a client terrorist runs off good team members how much is hiring and training costing your agency?
  • Unethical: there can be no room for client lying. The stakes are too high!
  • Below Agency Standards: these clients don't quite fit they believe that they need minimal insurance and your agency may be catering to them

We recommend vetting your problem clients based on these objectives. Generally if a client is unethical - they gotta go! However, for the other objectives we recommend looking at clients that hit 2 -3 of these objective.

The bottom line is the cost to keeping a bad client far out weights the commission and as an agency leader it's your responsibility to protect your team for getting bogged down from these client terrorists!

Resources from APP On When To Fire An Insurance Client:

  • Get our FREE Guide on How To Get A Client on EFT Or Pay In Full:
  • Get 20% off our Agency Job Description Templates to make sure your team is focus on the right clients [USE CODE TIME]:

Learn How APP Can Help Your Agency Manage Time!

  • Agency Assessment (Lets organize and optimize your book):
  • Agency Efficiency (Move Your Team From Busy to Productive):
  • 2 Year Program (Install Key Agency Growth Processes):

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