Sep 26, 2022
Our feelings and experiences are the primary reason we have challenges Cross-Selling Insurance Policies at Renewal. We are afraid of a NO, of upsetting the customer, and we often assume that the client is in a hurry.
Maybe a client has gotten upset over price, so we think now is not the time to ask for more.
More often than not, we decide how the client will respond by answering the question in our head, not by asking the client the question. That means - we are having the conversation with the wrong person! We need to engage the client to get cross-selling going.
In the APP Agency Retention Program we also talk about how you are often more worried about price or changes to their policy than the consumer. We want to help remove some of the fears of cross-selling and give you the confidence to “Just Ask”!
Read more in this week's Insurance agency blog: